Evodia clusiaefolia (A. Gray) Drake , Ill. fl. ins. pacif. 131. 1890. Flora of the Hawaiian Islands --Basionym
Type Information
Pelea clusiaefolia A. Gray , U. S. Expl. Exped., Phan. 340 1854.
O`ahu: mountains behind Honolulu. 1840. U. S. Expl. Exped. s.n..
Lectotype [US]. Isolectotype(s) [GH]. Lectotypified in Stone. Phan. Monogr. 3: 138. 1969.

Note: Not in US type collection (or type register) or general collection; not in GH type database. Only one U.S. Expl. Exped. collection of this species found in US general collection, and it is of var. gamma from Mauna Kea. (RKS, 5/98)

=Melicope clusiifolia
*Verification: None.

*Verification: D.M. Mix.